Meta recently cancelled development of the Quest Pro 2, which was to rival theApple Vision Pro. Planned for 2027 under the codename “La Jolla”, this headset was to offer a cheaper alternative to Apple’s Extended Reality (XR) technology. However, the excessive costs of the micro-OLED screens Apple uses have made this project financially unfeasible for Meta, which is aiming for XR products under €1,000. Despite this cancellation, Meta continues to focus on affordable XR devices, with the Meta Quest 4 on the horizon.
In the meantime, the Quest 3 remains an excellent option for virtual reality enthusiasts. Meta is also determined to democratize augmented reality headsets, but current technology doesn’t yet make them affordable. This situation is reminiscent of Apple’s compromise with the Vision Pro, conceived for want of being able to create low-cost AR glasses.
Although the Quest Pro 2 will never see the light of day, Meta continues to work on innovative solutions in the field of extended reality, while maintaining an aggressive pricing strategy.