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Have you just purchased a Motorola smartphone, but would like to change the interface language to suit your language preferences? Don’t worry, changing the language of your Motorola phone is an easy task. In this article, we’ll present you with a brief guide to explain how to change the language of your Motorola smartphone in just a few simple steps. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, follow our clear instructions and enjoy a personalized experience with your Motorola smartphone in the language of your choice. Changing the language of your smartphone is as simple as changing the language of a Xiaomi, i.e. it won’t take more than a minute. To ensure a smooth operation, please follow these steps in order:
Go to your Motorola settings.
In the settings, go to “System”.
Choose “Language and input” then “Languages” and select the language of your choice Step 1: Go to your settings.
Step 2: Select “System”.Step 3: Click on “Languages and input”.Step 4: Press “Languages”.Step 5: Click on “+Add a language”Step 6: Choose your preferred language.